Why Meals From Mars?
Well, really, this blog is aimed at guys, like me, who are the main cooks in their home.
So, men. Mars.
Women are more than welcome to participate here. I mean, there's nothing really gender specific about cooking. It's just that there are already, like, a billion cooking sites aimed specifically at women.
Also, I like sci-fi. So, space theme.
Also, my approach to cooking sometimes produces unusual meals. Almost like they're from another planet, or something . . .
My Food Philosophy
This is my food philosophy: reduce the food to its essential elements. Then, you become free to experiment and let loose a little. In cooking (to borrow an analogy) some rules can be bent, others broken. So, instead of collecting recipes, learn the principles of a meal, and the rest is up to you and your on-the-spot creative impulses.
About Me and Meals From Mars
I love to cook for my wife.
As I began to learn the art of cooking, I quickly bored of simply following recipes. I wanted to be more creative with what I made. So, I began learning principles of cooking, and using my senses and intuition to guide me.
Of course, I can't claim to make anything completely original, nor do I aim to. Each meal I prepare is a genre blend of recipes I've become familiar with and meals I've experienced. Just like with new art, new food is at once an homage, a copy, and a critical commentary of some original (read: mythological) recipe. And why not? It's the 21st century.
But just because it's the 21st century doesn't mean "Mexican food" has to mean fried ground beef and and a jar of salsa with a box of (probably stale) hard taco shells. I don't want to be sold brand name other-cultural "meal experiences," but I also don't want to get all nostalgic about the loss of the tradition of handing down culture and family-specific cooking techniques. I just want to cook good food for the people I love.
Meals from Mars is for guys like me, who want to close the cookbook, and take the lifelong journey towards becoming a food artist.
- Bernie